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Python has been consistently ranked among the top three most demanded programming languages in the world for the past year (a little research on that here).
Golang (Go)
Since its creation (Go appeared only in 2009) it has already managed to become one of the 10 most popular programming languages. If only because more and more DevOps-specific products use Go, it’s worth learning.
Next on our list is one of the most original programming languages, which many developers like for its ability to adapt code to new requirements. Ruby is used to manage network infrastructure but can also be used to build frameworks for databases, websites and complex applications.
These two closely related programming languages remain relevant today. And despite the fact that the same “pluses” were developed more than three decades ago, and pure C is almost half a century old, the popularity of C / C + + is not declining.
C/C++ allow you to adapt your code to almost any system, platform or application: these languages were developed a long time ago and therefore have all the necessary tools for this. This greatly simplifies such tasks as, for example, batch management, which DevOps engineers often have to do.
JavaScript is a lightweight interpreted scripting language that can come in handy for teams developing web applications. The use of JavaScript allows to reduce the load on the server, greatly increases the interactive features, provides quick communication with users, gives the opportunity to design user-friendly interfaces. Recently, this programming language has been used in the development of mobile and desktop applications, as well as in game development.
Bash .
Bash is a scripting language used by software developers and system administrators to automate a variety of tasks and processes in Unix-like operating systems.
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]]>The post What is software testing? appeared first on ComAcm Pass.
]]>Software testing is a method of verifying that the actual software product meets the expected requirements, which is also necessary to make sure that the product is free of defects…
Software testing is a method of verifying that an actual software product conforms to expected requirements, which is also necessary to make sure that the product is free of defects. It involves performing predefined algorithms using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties of interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify bugs, gaps, or missing requirements specified during the product design phase.
Some prefer to call software testing:
Simply put, testing implies checking the application for compliance with requirements and quality standards. In this tutorial we will introduce the audience to the means of testing and convince them of its importance.
Why is software testing important?
If there are bugs or defects in the software, they can be detected early in the software production process and corrected before it is delivered to production. A properly tested software product ensures reliability, security, and high performance, which then leads to time, money, and customer satisfaction.
Testing is important because software errors can cost the manufacturer dearly. They can lead to serious financial losses and even human casualties, and history is full of such examples.
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]]>The post The benefits of software testing appeared first on ComAcm Pass.
]]>Experts highlight the following advantages of using software testing:
One of the key advantages of testing. If bugs are detected at an early stage of software testing, it is cheaper to fix them. Timely testing of any IT project will help you save money in the long run.
People are looking for proven products. Testing gets rid of the risks of information leakage.
Product quality
The main goal of any product is to bring value to its customers. Testing ensures that the product meets business requirements and fulfills its function.
Customer Satisfaction
Unless the user is an ardent fan of a particular brand, when choosing from several similar products, the user chooses the one which is more convenient. UI / UX Testing provides a better user experience.
Testing in software engineering.
According to ANSI / IEEE 1059, testing in software engineering is the process of evaluating a software product to determine if the current software product meets the required conditions. The testing process involves evaluating software product features for compliance in terms of missing requirements, bugs or defects, security, reliability, and performance.
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]]>The post Software debugging appeared first on ComAcm Pass.
]]>Debugging refers to the process of getting software to function with the required characteristics in a given field of input data.
Debugging is not a kind of testing, although the words “debugging” and “testing” are often used synonymously. They mean different kinds of activities:
These two activities are very closely related and therefore they are usually considered together.
As a result of debugging, software must correspond to a certain fixed set of rules and quality parameters taken as a reference for it. In other words: debugging is a stage of development in which drawbacks of newly created software are eliminated.
The main task of debugging consists in completing the development of the whole software and bringing its characteristics up to the values specified by the requirements of the specification (requirements agreement). At that, software must guarantee the satisfaction of all the requirements not only within the range of typical conditions of its functioning but also at limiting and critical combinations of all the parameters. This provides reliability of software functioning under a variety of arbitrary, including distorted combinations of input data.
According to specialists’ estimations, in the total time of software development, debugging takes from 50% to 90% (it depends upon the results of the previous stages).
Debugging may be divided into syntactic and semantic.
Debugging of syntax is usually not difficult and only requires accuracy. The results of a syntactically correct program are compared with the test ones, their mismatch is a sign of a semantic error. This comparison must be done very thoroughly: even an extra space between two values can give a clue to find the error.
Unlike a syntax error, a semantic error is not formalizable and thus forms the basis for debugging.
Debugging of the ready part (branch) of software can be started earlier than the whole software product will be written, and as the result the time of software development reduces, i.e. it saves the calendar time of its development. Temporarily missing blocks are either left empty or replaced by printing a message stating that the software is not designed for such data, or temporary software stubs are written.
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